Bobby Palacios

Straight Facts
Aside from being a Videographer/Photographer, we wanted to know who Bobby really was; which is why we asked these super deep questions…
What’s your favorite design style?
Modern Minimal Style. I love modern minimal design. I love that something so simple can add so much aesthetic value. Even though a design may look simple a lot of thought and planning goes into it, especially in the motion design world.

What’s a brand you really love right now?

I really love the design aesthetic of Mythical Entertainment (Rhett and Link) The cross between modern minimal design and vintage urban photography always looks so well done and taps into everything I love about design. It doesn’t hurt that I’m a mythical beast.
Who Inspires You
Kevin Smith. He is someone who genuinely loves what he does for a living and only has nice things to say about his craft and the people involved. He is passionate about nerd culture and is always fun to listen to I'm when trying to break away from stress. I aspire to have that same attitude in the creative industry.
What book would you recommend?

Rebel without a Crew
Written by Rodriguez. It's an autobiography about how his passion for making movies propelled him to success. It's inspiring to see how his passion for filmmaking opened the door to doing it for a living.
OK, Bobby. Now for the deep stuff. What’s your favorite…
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I reject your reality and substitute my own.
Adam Savage
I reject your reality and substitute my own.
Adam Savage