When a micro-brewery launching out of Central California contacted us to design their brand identity, we HOPPed on the opportunity. The founder of Big Pop Brewing–Ryan Hansen-is all about family.
“Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.”
– Psalm 127:4

In designing the labels for Big Pop’s flagship lineup, Hansen wanted to portray different aspects of his kids’ characteristics. Inspired by the new school art style, we cartoonized what we heard based solely on words used to describe his kids and the profile of the beer.

Lulu's IPA
A balanced and bold double IPA, love it from the bitter beginning to the dry-hopped finale.
Bubba's Porter
Smooth, suave, and bold taste on this classic American Porter.

Rooney's Red
The mad scientist combined a classic Irish red recipe with American bittering hops for this unique summer sipper.
Beppy's Brown
A classic brown ale, malty, toasty, delicious.