Fresno's Champion For Injured Workers
Businesses should always view their branding as something that needs continual review, evolution, and advancement. This is exactly what Goldberg & Ibarra recognized when they decided to undergo a complete rebrand in order to further propel them into the future. In this case study we’ll explore how an old-fashioned brand was replaced with one modernized for 2023 and beyond, while simultaneously being carried throughout all aspects of the company’s visual collateral. From a new logo and brand identity, to website redesign, to brand story videos.
Old Logo

New Logo
Responsive Logo Lockup Variations
The rebrand dawned with a simplified logo, ridding unnecessary design elements and cliches. A monogram based on the initials of Goldberg and Ibarra was then introduced – its bold serifs signifying class, authority, power among others. For brand equity’s sake, minor updates were made to the black & gold color scheme which paired perfectly well with a logotype that added humanistic touches in contrast to its predecessor.
Luxurious. Bold. Dark.
This comprehensive rebrand included brand strategy, logo design, brand identity, website design, video production, photography, brand messaging, and a refresh of all Goldberg & Ibarra’s branded material.
Plans – Golberg Ibarra
When creating the primary ad for Goldberg & Ibarra, we wanted to move away from the antiquated lawyer ad tropes. We opted instead for a unique approach that focused on telling an emotive story of someone who just wants to get back to what they love – working hard for their family. So, we crafted “Plans”, showcasing how life can be unpredictable but with the support and assistance of Goldberg & Ibarra you don’t have to face it alone.

Golberg Ibarra Story
Butler Branding updated and rebranded Goldberg & Ibarra’s website with a powerful video spotlight – David Ibarra sharing his story of becoming an advocate for workers’ compensation rights. He was driven by the same experience that affected his father, to provide lasting support for employees who suffer workplace injuries. Through this campaign, we honor those determined champions like David who are committed to helping injured workers get the help they deserve!

Website Redesign