Google Mobile Update

Boosted rankings for “mobile-friendly“ pages improves user experience. On April 21st Google made a change to their algorithms that affects mobile search-engine rankings by making “mobile-friendliness” a ranking signal.  The change was made in order to provide the optimal user experience for those searching from a mobile device.  Now, when someone does a search from…

What is Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing? Content Marketing simply means creating awesome content for the purpose of getting, and keeping customers.   “Content” includes any media such as articles, tutorials, images and graphics, videos, resources, etc.       How do you know what type of content to create? The first step is to figure out what keywords…

What Makes a Successful Website

What is a successful website? Before answering the question, “what is a successful website”, you need to ask the question, “by what standard will I measure my website’s success?” Most people think that a successful website is simply a website that looks nice (good graphics, the right colors, the right layout, etc.). Though a nice…